Be sure to review our policies prior to registration:

Uniform and Ball:

UNIFORM:  The fee for a ball and uniform is $50 and needs to be added to every players first registration.  This includes a shirt, shorts, socks and a size 4 ball. 
FOOTWEAR - INDOOR SEASON Oct - May:  It is your choice for your player to wear either runners or indoor soccer shoes.
FOOTWEAR - OUTDOOR SEASON May - Sept: Please have your player in well fitting cleats suitable for grass.
SHIN GUARDS:  Shin guards are required.
BALLS: Players are required to bring their ball to each class.  Coaches won't have extra balls on hand at classes.  If you need a replacement ball, please contact us in advance to purchase.

Consecutive Classes:

Each term has set dates and the classes run through the course dates as they are listed.  If there is space, a player may join mid course for a pro-rated fee.

Make up classes are unavailable when a player misses a class as the class is running regardless of attendance.
If for any reason other than weather we have to cancel a class, we will: A) Try to schedule a make up date.  If unable we will B) Refund that missed class within 7 business days.

Age Groups:

We run a wide age range and will cater each class to the players who are registered.  We offer some advanced classes for players needing the extra challenge to keep the program fun for all!

Positive Environment:

Coaches, players and parents are expected to conduct themselves in a friendly, positive manner in keeping with our mission!
Coaches do need to set boundaries of behaviour in the class to ensure it can run in a smooth fun manner.  If necessary, coaches will align with parents on any actions needed to support a child in refocusing their attention in a more positive way.
We reserve the right to remove a family from the program who, in our sole discretion, is not supporting a Fun First environment.

Weather Policy:

Fun First Sport plays rain or shine as there are limited weeks of outdoor play.  Have your player dress accordingly and still come out for some messy fun!

Our Coaches will make every effort to play unless there is a safety concern.  We have set our policy in line with the recommendations from Environment Canada.

If there is a thunder storm during a class, coaches will ask anyone at the field to get to a safe place to wait out the storm.  Class will resume 30 minutes after the last sound of thunder.  If there is no time left, then class will be cancelled on site.

In the case that the humidex states that weather "feels like" 40 degrees or hotter at the time of your class, then class will be cancelled and you will be notified via email that day.

Unfortunately, in the event that a class is cancelled due to weather beyond our control, we are unable to offer make-up classes.

Email Communications:

Fun First Sport communicates predominantly via email.  Please mark us as a contact so you don't miss any news about your class, next term or upcoming exciting news!

Are you ready to play?!